Beginning of the Year:
- All of my incoming 4th graders have had practice with Glogster, and I intend to begin the school year with creating an “All about Me” glog. I will encourage them to add videos and music, which are aspects of Glogster that my students may be unfamiliar with (after talking with previous teachers).
- Through Glogster and blogging, I will teach my students how to write good comments and incorporate a “critical friends” piece. Below is a great video to use for writing a good comment:
- · We start the year with a social studies unit on Harrisburg, our state capital. During our unit, I will incorporate a project using Prezi (a tool some have experience with) and also include new options: 280Slides and Google presentation. My students will choose various places (cities or landmarks) in Pennsylvania to research, using GoogleDocs to collaborate and create a presentation.
My New "Create" Project:
On my previous post, I marked the specific tools I have used in the classroom - along with NEW tools I hope to implement next year! I have many ideas, but wanted to focus on one specifically for my project:
On my previous post, I marked the specific tools I have used in the classroom - along with NEW tools I hope to implement next year! I have many ideas, but wanted to focus on one specifically for my project:
· Each year we are expected to teach our students about famous Pennsylvanians, during the extensive study of our state. This becomes a challenge, when trying to ‘cover’ an entire state’s history, places, people, events, natural resources, regions, industries… For my project last year my students had the opportunity to choose anything from famous places, famous people, explorers, or Native American groups for their project. The students became the experts on their topic. For their presentation, they had the ability to choose between Prezi, Glogster, PowerPoint, and Google Presentation. Well…they all chose Prezi. This year, I plan on separating PA's famous places and people into two projects. My students have used their blogs to learn new facts and gather information from other people around the world & GoogleDocs as a collaboration tool. I plan on using similar methods this year – however, my students are going to create a fake Facebook profile page belonging to their famous Pennsylvanian. Here is a link to an example of Ben Franklin's page, who happens to be from PA!
I am super excited about this project and cannot wait to post my students’ work! :)
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